DF Manual Patch 6.6.1


Used to change the selection on the current line of code, which will affect the targets of most code blocks.


Select all players on the plot
Select a player with a certain username
Select all players on the plot that meet
a certain condition


| LastMob (aka. )

Select Random Player | RandomPlayer (aka. )

Select Last-Spawned Entity | LastEntity (aka. )

| Shooter (aka. )

| AllMobs (aka. )

Select Entities by Name | EntityName (aka. )


name: Ignore Formatting default: True options: True, False

Filter Selection Randomly | FilterRandom (aka. RandomSelected)

| DefaultEntity (aka. )

Select Players by Name | PlayerName (aka. )

Select All Entities | AllEntities (aka. )

| Damager (aka. )

Filter Selection by Distance | FilterDistance (aka. )


name: Ignore Y-Axis default: False options: True, False

name: Compare Mode default: Nearest options: Nearest, Farthest

Filter Selection by Raycast | FilterRay (aka. )


name: Block Collision default: Solid blocks options: All blocks, Non-fluid blocks, Solid blocks, None

Reset Selection | Reset (aka. None)

Select Event Target | EventTarget (aka. )


name: Event Target default: Default options: Default, Killer, Damager, Victim, Shooter, Projectile

| Killer (aka. )

| Victim (aka. )

Select Entities by Condition | EntitiesCond (aka. )

Select All Players | AllPlayers (aka. )

Invert Selection | Invert (aka. )

| RandomEntity (aka. )

Filter Selection by Condition | FilterCondition (aka. FilterSelect)

| MobsCond (aka. )

Filter Selection by Sort | FilterSort (aka. )


name: Sort Order default: Ascending options: Ascending, Descending

| Projectile (aka. )

| DefaultPlayer (aka. )

Select Players by Condition | PlayersCond (aka. )

| MobName (aka. )