DF Manual Patch 6.6.1


Used to repeat the code inside it.


Repeat code forever
Repeat code a certain number
of times
Repeat code until a certain
condition is met


Repeat Adjacently | Adjacent (aka. )


name: Change Location Rotation default: False options: True, False

name: Include Origin Block default: False options: True, False

name: Pattern default: Adjacent (6 blocks) options: Cardinal (4 blocks), Square (8 blocks), Adjacent (6 blocks), Cube (26 blocks)

Repeat On Path | Path (aka. )


name: Rotate Location default: False options: True, False

Repeat Multiple Times | Multiple (aka. N Times)

Repeat On Grid | Grid (aka. )

Repeat While | While (aka. WhileCond)

| Range (aka. )

Repeat For Each in List | ForEach (aka. )


name: Allow List Changes default: True options: True, False (copy list)

Repeat On Sphere | Sphere (aka. )


name: Point Locations Inwards default: False options: True, False

Repeat Forever | Forever (aka. )

Repeat On Range | Range (aka. )

Repeat For Each Dictionary Entry | ForEachEntry (aka. )