DF Manual Patch 6.6.1


Used to do something related to a player or multiple players.


Send a message to a player
Damage or heal a player
Clear a player's inventory


Set Hotbar Items | SetHotbar (aka. )

Set Reduced Debug Info Enabled | SetReducedDebug (aka. )


name: Reduced Debug Info Enabled default: True options: True, False

Close Inventory | CloseInv (aka. )

Give Items | GiveItems (aka. )

| NoKeepInv (aka. )

Set Allow Hand Crafting | SetHandCrafting (aka. )


name: Allow Hand Crafting default: Disable options: Enable, Disable

| BossBar (aka. SetBossBar)


name: Bar Slot default: Slot 1 options: Slot 1, Slot 2, Slot 3, Slot 4, Slot 5, Slot 6, Slot 7, Slot 8, Slot 9

name: Bar Style default: Solid options: Solid, 6 segments, 10 segments, 12 segments, 20 segments

name: Sky Effect default: None options: None, Create fog, Darken sky, Both

name: Bar Color default: Purple options: Red, Purple, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow, White

Display Particle Sphere | ParticleSphere (aka. )

Set Velocity | SetVelocity (aka. )


name: Add to Current Velocity default: False options: True, False

Display Particle Effect | Particle (aka. )

Add Inventory Menu Row | AddInvRow (aka. )


name: New Row Position default: Bottom row options: Top row, Bottom row

| NoNatRegen (aka. )

Display Lightning Bolt | DisplayLightning (aka. )

Damage | Damage (aka. )


name: Ignore Formatting default: True options: True, False

| SendAnimation (aka. )


name: Animation Type default: Hurt animation options: Hurt animation, Wake up (fade effect)

Set XP Progress | SetXPProg (aka. )

Set Inventory Items | SetInventory (aka. )

Teleport Sequence | TpSequence (aka. )

Heal | Heal (aka. )

Set Spawn Point | SetSpawnPoint (aka. )

Set Inventory Kept | SetInventoryKept (aka. )


name: Inventory Kept default: Enable options: Enable, Disable

Launch Up | LaunchUp (aka. )


name: Add to Current Velocity default: True options: True, False

| GetTargetEntity (aka. )


name: Ignore Blocks default: False options: True, False

Force Flight Mode | ForceFlight (aka. )


name: Flight Mode default: Start Flight options: Start Flight, Stop Flight

Load Saved Inventory | LoadInv (aka. )

Set Chat Style | ChatStyle (aka. ChatColor)

Kick | Kick (aka. )

| ProjColl (aka. )

Spectate Target | SpectateTarget (aka. )


name: Ignore Formatting default: True options: True, False

Send Hurt Animation | HurtAnimation (aka. )

Set to Survival Mode | SurvivalMode (aka. GmSurvival)

Display Bell Ring | DisplayBellRing (aka. )


name: Ring Direction default: North options: North, South, West, East

Set Status | SetStatus (aka. )

Set Cursor Item | SetCursorItem (aka. )

Set Absorption Health | SetAbsorption (aka. )

Set Fire Ticks | SetFireTicks (aka. )

| SetGamemode (aka. )


name: Flight Mode default: Respect Gamemode options: Respect Gamemode, Keep Original

name: Gamemode default: Survival options: Survival, Creative, Adventure

Remove Inventory Menu Row | RemoveInvRow (aka. )


name: Row to Remove default: Bottom row options: Top row, Bottom row

Send Wake Up Animation | WakeUpAnimation (aka. )

Disallow Placing/Breaking Blocks | DisableBlocks (aka. )

Set Scoreboard Objective Name | SetScoreObj (aka. )

| L SetHealth (aka. )


name: Heal Type default: Regular Health options: Regular Health, Absorption Health, Combined Health

| ParticleEffect (aka. )

Clear Inventory | ClearInv (aka. )


name: Clear Mode default: Entire inventory options: Entire inventory, Main inventory, Upper inventory, Hotbar, Armor

name: Clear Crafting and Cursor default: True options: True, False

Set Freeze Ticks | SetFreezeTicks (aka. )


name: Ticking Locked default: Disable options: Enable, Disable

Set Gliding | SetGliding (aka. )


name: Gliding default: Enable options: Enable, Disable

Set Rotation | SetRotation (aka. )

Clear Items | ClearItems (aka. )

Set Flying | SetFlying (aka. )


name: Flying default: Enable options: Enable, Disable

Display Block Opened State | DisplayBlockOpen (aka. )


name: Container State default: Open options: Open, Closed

| SetHandItem (aka. )


name: Hand Slot default: Main Hand options: Main Hand, Off Hand

Send Advancement | SendAdvancement (aka. )


name: Toast Type default: Advancement options: Advancement, Goal, Challenge

| ClearChat (aka. )

Set Inventory Menu Item | SetMenuItem (aka. )

Launch Toward Location | LaunchToward (aka. )


name: Add to Current Velocity default: True options: True, False

name: Ignore Distance default: False options: True, False

Set Armor Items | SetArmor (aka. )

Display Gateway Beam | DisplayGateway (aka. )


name: Animation Type default: Initial beam options: Initial beam, Periodic beam

Give Saturation | GiveSaturation (aka. )

Give Experience | GiveExp (aka. )


name: Give Experience default: Points options: Points, Levels, Level percentage

Face Location | FaceLocation (aka. )

Clear Scoreboard | ClearScoreboard (aka. )

Show Action Bar Text | ActionBar (aka. )


name: Text Value Merging default: No spaces options: Add spaces, No spaces

name: Inherit Styles default: True options: True, False

Set Chat Tag | SetChatTag (aka. )

Shift World Border | ShiftWorldBorder (aka. )

Display Sign Text | DisplaySignText (aka. )


name: Sign Side default: Front options: Front, Back

name: Text Color default: Black options: White, Orange, Magenta, Light blue, Yellow, Lime, Pink, Gray, Light gray, Cyan, Purple, Blue, Brown, Green, Red, Black

name: Glowing default: Disable options: Enable, Disable

Set Movement Speed | SetSpeed (aka. )


name: Speed Type default: Ground speed options: Ground speed, Flight speed, Both

Expand Inventory Menu | ExpandInv (aka. )

Launch Projectile | LaunchProj (aka. )

| NoProjColl (aka. )

| ShowDisguise (aka. )

Display Animated Particle Cuboid | ParticleCuboidA (aka. )


name: Fill Type default: Wireframe options: Wireframe, Hollow, Solid

Play Sound | PlaySound (aka. )


name: Sound Source default: Master options: Master, Music, Jukebox/Note Blocks, Weather, Blocks, Hostile Creatures, Friendly Creatures, Players, Ambient/Environment, Voice/Speech

Set Compass Target | SetCompass (aka. )

Randomized Teleport | RngTeleport (aka. )


name: Keep Current Rotation default: False options: True, False

Disguise as Mob | MobDisguise (aka. )

Allow Placing/Breaking Blocks | EnableBlocks (aka. )

Open Container Inventory | OpenBlockInv (aka. )

Display Animated Particle Circle | ParticleCircleA (aka. )

| RemoveBossBar (aka. ClearBars)


name: Boss Bar Slot default: All boss bars options: All boss bars, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Set Equipment Item | SetEquipment (aka. )


name: Equipment Slot default: Main hand options: Main hand, Off hand, Head, Chest, Legs, Feet

| GiveRngItem (aka. )

Set Death Drops Enabled | SetDropsEnabled (aka. )


name: Spawn Death Drops default: Enable options: Enable, Disable

Send to Plot | SendToPlot (aka. )

Remove Potion Effect | RemovePotion (aka. RemoveEffect)

Display Block Fracture | DisplayFracture (aka. )


name: Overwrite Previous Fracture default: True options: True, False

Set Entity Hidden | SetEntityHidden (aka. )


name: Hidden default: Enable options: Enable, Disable

name: Ignore Formatting default: True options: True, False

Set Sidebar Visible | SetSidebar (aka. )


name: Sidebar default: Enable options: Enable, Disable

| AllowDrops (aka. )

Display Vibration Effect | Vibration (aka. )

Set Hotbar Slot | SetSlot (aka. )

Display Particle Ray | ParticleRay (aka. )

Display Particle Cuboid | ParticleCuboid (aka. )


name: Fill Type default: Wireframe options: Wireframe, Hollow, Solid

Send Message Sequence | SendMessageSeq (aka. SendDialogue)


name: Alignment Mode default: Regular options: Regular, Centered

Set Name Prefix / Suffix | SetNamePrefix (aka. )


name: Text Type default: Prefix options: Prefix, Suffix

Clear Display Block | ClearDispBlock (aka. )

Set Rain Level | SetRainLevel (aka. )

Undisguise | Undisguise (aka. )

Display Animated Particle Spiral | ParticleSpiralA (aka. )

Set Instant Respawn | InstantRespawn (aka. )


name: Instant Respawn default: Enable options: Enable, Disable

Set Scoreboard Score | SetScore (aka. )

Set Name Color | SetNameColor (aka. )


name: Name Color default: Black options: Black, Dark blue, Dark green, Dark aqua, Dark red, Dark purple, Gold, Gray, Dark gray, Blue, Green, Aqua, Red, Light purple, Yellow, White, None

Set Base Attack Speed | SetAtkSpeed (aka. )

| DisablePvp (aka. )

Set Tick Rate | SetTickRate (aka. )

Play Sound from Entity | PlayEntitySound (aka. )


name: Sound Source default: Master options: Master, Music, Jukebox/Note Blocks, Weather, Blocks, Hostile Creatures, Friendly Creatures, Players, Ambient/Environment, Voice/Speech

name: Ignore Formatting default: True options: True, False

| ReplaceProj (aka. )

Set Experience | SetExp (aka. )


name: Set Experience default: Level options: Points, Level, Level Percentage

Display Particle Spiral | ParticleSpiral (aka. )

Set Allow Flight | SetAllowFlight (aka. )


name: Allow Flight default: Enable options: Enable, Disable

Set Maximum Health | SetMaxHealth (aka. )


name: Heal Player to Max Health default: False options: True, False

Remove Boss Bar | RemoveBossBar (aka. )

Set Fog Distance | SetFogDistance (aka. )

Set to Adventure Mode | AdventureMode (aka. GmAdventure)

Set to Spectator Mode | SpectatorMode (aka. )

Display Head Texture | DispHeadTexture (aka. )

Clear Potion Effects | ClearPotions (aka. ClearEffects)

Set Player List Info | SetTabListInfo (aka. )


name: Player List Field default: Header options: Header, Footer

name: Text Value Merging default: No spaces options: Add spaces, No spaces

name: Inherit Styles default: True options: True, False

| EnablePvp (aka. )

| HideDisguise (aka. )

Set Scoreboard Line Number Format | ScoreLineFormat (aka. )


name: Number Format default: Fixed options: Fixed, Styled, Blank, Reset

Set Boss Bar | SetBossBar (aka. )


name: Bar Style default: Solid options: Solid, 6 segments, 10 segments, 12 segments, 20 segments

name: Sky Effect default: None options: None, Create fog, Darken sky, Both

name: Bar Color default: Purple options: Red, Purple, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow, White

Set Skin | SetSkin (aka. )

Set Spectator Collision | SpectatorCollision (aka. )


name: Spectator Collision default: Enable options: Enable, Disable

Set Name Tag Visible | SetNameVisible (aka. )


name: Name Tag Visible default: Disable options: Enable, Disable

Set Invulnerability Ticks | SetInvulTicks (aka. )

| EnableFlight (aka. )

Set Bee Stings Stuck | SetStingsStuck (aka. )

Remove Scoreboard Score | RemoveScore (aka. )

| DisallowDrops (aka. )

Set Exhaustion Level | SetExhaustion (aka. )

Display Particle Circle | ParticleCircle (aka. )

Display Block | DisplayBlock (aka. )

Ride Entity | RideEntity (aka. )


name: Ignore Formatting default: True options: True, False

| WeatherRain (aka. )

Remove World Border | RmWorldBorder (aka. )

Send Resource Pack | ResourcePack (aka. )

Set Inventory Menu Name | SetInvName (aka. )

Give Exhaustion | GiveExhaustion (aka. )

Teleport | Teleport (aka. )


name: Keep Current Rotation default: False options: True, False

name: Keep Velocity default: False options: True, False

Set PvP Allowed | SetAllowPVP (aka. )


name: PVP default: Disable options: Enable, Disable

| DisableFlight (aka. )

Set Visual Fire | SetVisualFire (aka. )


name: On Fire default: True options: True, False

Set Own Disguise Visibility | SetDisguiseVisible (aka. )


name: Disguise Visible default: Disable options: Enable, Disable

Set Arrows Stuck | SetArrowsStuck (aka. )

| SetItems (aka. )

| KeepInv (aka. )

Replace Items | ReplaceItems (aka. ReplaceItem)

Send Message | SendMessage (aka. )


name: Alignment Mode default: Regular options: Regular, Centered

name: Text Value Merging default: Add spaces options: Add spaces, No spaces

name: Inherit Styles default: True options: True, False

Set Item in Slot | SetSlotItem (aka. )

Play Sound Sequence | PlaySoundSeq (aka. )


name: Sound Source default: Master options: Master, Music, Jukebox/Note Blocks, Weather, Blocks, Hostile Creatures, Friendly Creatures, Players, Ambient/Environment, Voice/Speech

Display Animated Particle Line | ParticleLineA (aka. )

| Respawn (aka. )

| SetInvName (aka. )

Set Item Cooldown | SetItemCooldown (aka. )

Set Player Weather | SetPlayerWeather (aka. )


name: Weather default: Downfall options: Clear, Downfall

| SendHover (aka. )

Set Visual Shoulder Parrot | SetShoulder (aka. )


name: Shoulder default: Left options: Left, Right

name: Type default: Remove options: Remove, Red, Blue, Green, Cyan, Gray

Set Remaining Air | SetAirTicks (aka. )

Display Pick Up Animation | DisplayPickup (aka. )


name: Ignore Formatting default: True options: True, False

Set World Border | SetWorldBorder (aka. )

Set Player Time | SetPlayerTime (aka. )

Give Food | GiveFood (aka. )

| NatRegen (aka. )

Give Potion Effect | GivePotion (aka. GiveEffect)


name: Show Icon default: True options: True, False

name: Overwrite Effect default: True options: True, False

name: Effect Particles default: Regular options: Regular, Ambient, None

Remove Items | RemoveItems (aka. )

Boost Elytra | BoostElytra (aka. )

Save Current Inventory | SaveInv (aka. )

Open Book | OpenBook (aka. )

Set Current Health | SetHealth (aka. )

Disguise as Block | BlockDisguise (aka. )

Roll Back Block Changes | RollbackBlocks (aka. )

| NoDeathDrops (aka. )

Set Walk Speed | WalkSpeed (aka. )

Set Collidable | SetCollidable (aka. )


name: Collision default: Disable options: Enable, Disable

Launch Forward | LaunchFwd (aka. )


name: Add to Current Velocity default: True options: True, False

name: Launch Axis default: Pitch and Yaw options: Pitch and Yaw, Yaw Only

Set Fall Distance | SetFallDistance (aka. )

Set to Creative Mode | CreativeMode (aka. )

Send Player Attack Animation | AttackAnimation (aka. )


name: Animation Arm default: Swing main arm options: Swing main arm, Swing off arm

Display Hologram | DisplayHologram (aka. )

Set Absorption Health | SetAbsorption (aka. )

| DeathDrops (aka. )

Show Inventory Menu | ShowInv (aka. )

Set Food Level | SetFoodLevel (aka. )

Disguise as Player | PlayerDisguise (aka. )

Set Saturation Level | SetSaturation (aka. )

| WeatherClear (aka. )

Show Title Text | SendTitle (aka. Title)

Set Scoreboard Default Number Format | ScoreDefFormat (aka. )


name: Number Format default: Fixed options: Fixed, Styled, Blank, Reset

Stop Sounds | StopSound (aka. )


name: Sound Source default: Master options: Master, Music, Jukebox/Note Blocks, Weather, Blocks, Hostile Creatures, Friendly Creatures, Players, Ambient/Environment, Voice/Speech

Display Particle Line | ParticleLine (aka. )