DF Manual Patch 6.6.1


Used to execute the code inside it if a certain condition related to a player is met.


Check if a player is swimming
Check if a player has an item
Check a player's username


Is Looking at Block | IsLookingAt (aka. )


name: Fluid Mode default: Ignore fluids options: Ignore fluids, Detect fluids

Is In World Border | InWorldBorder (aka. )

Is in Game Mode | IsInGameMode (aka. )


name: Game Mode default: Survival options: Survival, Creative, Adventure, Spectator

Has Room For Item | HasRoomForItem (aka. PHasRoomForItem)


name: Check Mode default: Has Room for Any Item options: Has Room for Any Item, Has Room for All Items

name: Checked Slots default: Main inventory options: Entire inventory, Main inventory, Upper inventory, Hotbar, Armor

| IsHoldingOff (aka. )

Is Using Resource Pack | UsingPack (aka. )

Item Is Not On Cooldown | NoItemCooldown (aka. )

Is Using Item | IsUsingItem (aka. )

| HasAllItems (aka. )

Is Swimming | IsSwimming (aka. )

Has Item | HasItem (aka. )


name: Check Mode default: Has Any Item options: Has Any Item, Has All Items

| BlockEquals (aka. )

Is Wearing Item | IsWearing (aka. PIsWearing)


name: Check Mode default: Is Wearing Some options: Is Wearing Some, Is Wearing All

Is Near Location | IsNear (aka. PIsNear)


name: Shape default: Sphere options: Sphere, Circle, Cube, Square

| IsRiding (aka. )


name: Compare Text To default: Entity type options: Entity type, Name or UUID

| StandingOn (aka. PStandingOn)

| CmdEquals (aka. )


name: Check Mode default: Check Entire Command options: Check Entire Command, Check First Word

name: Ignore Case default: True options: True, False

Is Standing on Block | StandingOn (aka. PStandingOn )

Is Grounded | IsGrounded (aka. )

Cursor Item Equals | CursorItem (aka. )

Hotbar Slot Equals | SlotEquals (aka. )

| ItemEquals (aka. )

| IsHoldingMain (aka. )

Is Holding Item | IsHolding (aka. )


name: Hand Slot default: Either hand options: Either hand, Main hand, Off hand

Inventory Menu Slot Equals | MenuSlotEquals (aka. )

Is Blocking | IsBlocking (aka. )

Has Plot Permission | HasPermission (aka. )


name: Permission default: Developer or builder options: Owner, Developer, Builder, Developer or builder, Whitelisted

Is Riding Entity | IsRiding (aka. )


name: Ignore Formatting default: True options: True, False

Main Hand Equals | MainHandEquals (aka. )


name: Main Hand default: Left Hand options: Left Hand, Right Hand

Is Sneaking | IsSneaking (aka. )

Is Flying | IsFlying (aka. )

Has Potion Effect | HasPotion (aka. HasEffect)


name: Check Properties default: None options: None, Amplifier, Duration, Amplifier and duration

name: Check Mode default: Has any effect options: Has any effect, Has all effects

Name Equals | NameEquals (aka. PNameEquals)

Inventory Type Open | InvOpen (aka. )


name: Inventory Type default: Any Inventory options: Any Inventory, Plot Menu, Crafting Table, Chest, Double Chest, Ender Chest, Shulker Box, Barrel, Furnace (any), Furnace, Blast Furnace, Smoker, Dropper, Dispenser, Beacon, Hopper, Anvil, Brewing Stand, Cartography Table, Loom, Grindstone, Stonecutter, Enchanting Table, Trader Menu (any), Villager Menu, Wandering Trader Menu, Horse Inventory, Llama Inventory

Has Item in Slot | HasSlotItem (aka. )

Is Sprinting | IsSprinting (aka. )

Is Gliding | IsGliding (aka. )

| CmdArgEquals (aka. )


name: Ignore Case default: True options: True, False