DF Manual Patch 6.6.1


Used to do something related to the plot and everyone playing it.


Spawn a mob or other entity
Change a block or block region


Fill Container | FillContainer (aka. )

Break Block | BreakBlock (aka. )

| L PFX Spiral (aka. )

| ParticleSphere (aka. PFX Sphere)

Change Sign Text | ChangeSign (aka. )


name: Sign Side default: Front options: Front, Back

Send Web Request | WebRequest (aka. )


name: Request Method default: Post options: Post, Get, Put, Delete

name: Content Type default: text/plain options: text/plain, application/json

| ClearScBoard (aka. )

| HideSidebar (aka. )

| SpawnItemDisplay (aka. )

Write Transaction | WriteTransaction (aka. )

| ParticleSpiral (aka. PFX Spiral)

Set Block Data | SetBlockData (aka. )


name: Overwrite Existing Data default: False options: True, False

Spawn Firework | Firework (aka. )


name: Instant default: False options: True, False

name: Movement default: Upwards options: Upwards, Directional

Set Event Damage | SetEventDamage (aka. )

Spawn Item | SpawnItem (aka. )


name: Apply Item Motion default: True options: True, False

Set Sign Text Color | SignColor (aka. )


name: Sign Side default: Front options: Front, Back

name: Text Color default: Black options: White, Orange, Magenta, Light blue, Yellow, Lime, Pink, Gray, Light gray, Cyan, Purple, Blue, Brown, Green, Red, Black

name: Glowing default: Disable options: Enable, Disable

Spawn Shulker Bullet | ShulkerBullet (aka. )

| FireworkEffect (aka. )

Set Container Contents | SetContainer (aka. )

Spawn Interaction Entity | SpawnInteraction (aka. )


name: Responsive default: Disable options: Enable, Disable

Set Item in Container Slot | SetItemInSlot (aka. )

Clone Region | CloneRegion (aka. CopyBlocks)


name: Ignore Air default: False options: True, False

name: Clone Block Entities default: True options: True, False

Uncancel Event | UncancelEvent (aka. )

Set Lectern Book | SetLecternBook (aka. )

Spawn Armor Stand | SpawnArmorStand (aka. )


name: Visibility default: Visible options: Visible, Visible (No hitbox), Invisible, Invisible (No hitbox)

Spawn Block Display | SpawnBlockDisp (aka. )

Clear Container | ClearContainer (aka. )

Cancel Event | CancelEvent (aka. )

| ParticleEffect (aka. Particle FX)

Spawn Evoker Fangs | SpawnFangs (aka. )

Set Event Sound | SetEventSound (aka. )

Set Event Experience | SetEventXP (aka. )

Set Container Lock | LockContainer (aka. )

| RemoveScore (aka. )

| CreateHologram (aka. )

Set Event Exhaustion | SetExhaustion (aka. )

| ParticleCircle (aka. PFX Circle)

| PFX Line [A] (aka. )

Clear Container Items | ClearItems (aka. )

| StartLoop (aka. )

Set Furnace Cook Time | SetFurnaceSpeed (aka. )

Enable Block Drops | BlockDropsOn (aka. )

Bone Meal Block | BoneMeal (aka. )


name: Show Particles default: True options: True, False

| DebugStackTrace (aka. )

Spawn Falling Block | FallingBlock (aka. )


name: Hurt Hit Entities default: False options: True, False

name: Reform on Impact default: True options: True, False

Send Discord Webhook Message | DiscordWebhook (aka. )

Random Tick Block | TickBlock (aka. )

Replace Container Items | ReplaceItems (aka. )

Set Event Projectile | SetEventProj (aka. )

Create Explosion | Explosion (aka. )

Spawn Mob | SpawnMob (aka. )

Set Item in Brushable Block | SetBrushableItem (aka. )

| ParticleLineA (aka. )

Spawn Eye of Ender | SpawnEnderEye (aka. )


name: End of Lifespan default: Random options: Drop item, Shatter, Random

| ShowSidebar (aka. )

Spawn Area of Effect Cloud | SpawnPotionCloud (aka. )

Launch Game Projectile | LaunchProj (aka. )

Set Block | SetBlock (aka. )

Spawn Item Display | SpawnItemDisp (aka. )

Set Block Growth | SetBlockGrowth (aka. )


name: Growth Unit default: Growth Stage Number options: Growth Stage Number, Growth Percentage

| Wait (aka. )


name: Delay Unit default: Ticks options: Ticks, Seconds, Minutes

Set Container Name | SetContainerName (aka. )

Set Player Head | SetHead (aka. )

| RemoveHologram (aka. )

Remove Container Items | RemoveItems (aka. )

| SpawnRngItem (aka. )


name: Apply Item Motion default: True options: True, False

Set Region | SetRegion (aka. SetBlock)

| ParticleCircleA (aka. PFX Circle [A])

Spawn Primed TNT | SpawnTNT (aka. )

Spawn Experience Orb | SpawnExpOrb (aka. )

Set Event Heal Amount | SetEventHeal (aka. )

| PFX Path (aka. )

Apply Transaction | ApplyTransaction (aka. )

| ParticleRay (aka. PFX Ray)

Generate Tree | GenerateTree (aka. )


name: Tree Type default: Oak Tree options: Oak Tree, Big Oak Tree, Swamp Tree, Spruce Tree, Slightly Taller Spruce Tree, Big Spruce Tree, Birch Tree, Tall Birch Tree, Jungle Tree, Big Jungle Tree, Jungle Bush, Acacia Tree, Dark Oak Tree, Mangrove Tree, Tall Mangrove Tree, Cherry Tree, Azalea Tree, Red Mushroom, Brown Mushroom, Crimson Fungus, Warped Fungus, Chorus Plant

| StopLoop (aka. )

| SetScObj (aka. )

Spawn End Crystal | SpawnCrystal (aka. )


name: Show Bottom default: True options: True, False

Set Campfire Item | SetCampfireItem (aka. )


name: Campfire Slot default: 1 options: 1, 2, 3, 4

Spawn Text Display | SpawnTextDisplay (aka. )


name: Text Value Merging default: No spaces options: Add spaces, No spaces

name: Inherit Styles default: True options: True, False

Spawn Vehicle | SpawnVehicle (aka. )

Summon Lightning | Lightning (aka. )

| ParticleSpiralA (aka. PFX Spiral [A])

| SetScore (aka. )

| ParticleCluster (aka. PFX Cluster,L PFX Cluster)

Disable Block Drops | BlockDropsOff (aka. )

| ParticleLine (aka. PFX Line)